About the Candle Work

Let me start by saying that if anyone tells you that you can’t do your own candle work, they’re probably trying to sell you something. Anyone can do their own candle work, however, some people don’t have the time, energy, or knowledge to do it themselves (and that’s perfectly alright). That’s where practitioners like myself come into play.

We take the time to properly prepare the candle, dress it, bless it, set the intention, and light it on your behalf. When I light a candle on your behalf, I call upon your personal spirit guides, guardians, and ancestors to assist rather than calling upon my own.

While it is possible for me to call upon my own to assist on your behalf, that would require prior approval (a consultation reading) and an offering which will result in an additional fee (my ancestors no longer work for free).

Unless otherwise specified, all glass candles are hand blended and poured by me. This process allows me to fix the candle with certain herbs, intention oils, and energy during the creation process. Essentially, these candles are bursting with energetic intention from start to finish and this process also allows me to create customized intention candles.

All other candles are store-bought, thoroughly cleansed, prayed over, and charged with the intention prior to use.

As a general rule of thumb, the size of the candle you choose will depend on the amount of energy you wish to pour into the intention. Small candles may only be needed for a small request, whereas large requests will require larger candles (or smaller candles burned in larger quantities/durations).

I personally will not do baneful workings (anything intended to harm another person) outside of the Blowback, which is a return-to-sender, and in that event it will be a like-for-like return of energy. I also will not perform any candle workings which include the will of another person without a prior candle consultation–the only exception is the ‘Romance’ candle which should only be selected for prior existing relationships.

During candle workings you may experience some mild physical symptoms such as feeling light-headed or a bit more anxious than usual, however, these symptoms should subside within a few days.

Once the candle work is complete, depending on whether or not the candle indicates it was a successful burn, the results should manifest within one day to as long as a year depending on how big of a request, whether obstacles (such as negative self-talk or doubt) present themselves, or other work being performed at the same time. On average, however, results usually manifest within a month. Regardless, patience is always a must when working with energy.

Please note that I do not do check-ins during the candle work. I will send a picture of your candle once it’s lit and, depending on which candle/options you ordered, I’ll send a candle read when the candle finishes its burn. (Some candles will burn faster or slower depending on the energy surrounding the intention.) But rest assured that the candle working will be finished on your behalf.

Please read through and book a candle service whenever you’re ready.