This is a monthly collective reading for the entire Coven. Each month, I’ll ask the question: What does the Coven Collective most need to know this month? Keep reading to see what the answer is for November.
Author: Writerly Witch
Monthly Cinnamon Ceremony
Each new month, much like each new day, is bursting with opportunity for growth and expansion. That’s why certain rituals are perfect when done at the beginning of the month. (Or, alternatively, on the day of the month’s New Moon.) Here’s a simple ceremony that you can use to bring success, abundance, peace, and protection into your home throughout the month ahead.
Incorruptible Intention Oil Recipe
You’ve probably heard the phrase “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” at some point in your life. For the most part, it holds true, however, with this intention oil you can have the power without the corruption. It’s designed to help you balance your power with compassion and it’s a good oil to use if you’re working toward success or victory that involves other people.
Is Your Home Friend or Foe?
One of the most overlooked spirits is the spirit of your home and whether or not they’re acting as your friend or foe. Take a moment to think about the homes you’ve entered over the course of your life. With some homes the moment you enter you feel warm, cozy, and safe although you couldn’t quite put your finger on why while others made your blood run cold.
So You Want to Collect Graveyard Dirt?
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to creep around the cemetery at night in order to collect graveyard dirt. In fact, most states have laws which forbid skulking around a graveyard in the darkness, so please don’t go breaking any laws. Now, there are a couple pointers should you decide to collect graveyard dirt:
Love & Attraction Oil Recipe
This is an excellent oil to use in your love workings, if you’re trying to attract something to you with positive or loving energy, or if you need to feel a little more seductive.
House Jar Tarot Spell
This is a slightly involved house jar spell which is designed to bring good luck and prosperity into your home (or future home) while binding it to you and your family.
Simple Bay Leaf Ritual
I refer to the bay leaf as the magic genie leaf because despite its small size, it can provide some big results if you know how to use it properly.
Simple Cord-Cutting Ritual
In some cases, you need to sever energetic ties with someone else for your own peace and well-being. A cord-cutting is when you break the energetic ties between two or more energies. They’re generally done between people but can conceivably be done between anything that is energetically connected. This is a simple ritual you can perform should you find yourself in such a position.
Basic Candle Preparation
When it comes to candle magic, there’s no need to get overly fancy or complicated (at least, not in the beginning). Below I’ve outlined the basic steps for candle preparation.