Current or Future Energy Connection and Scale (Email)


An energy connection and scale looks at how two energies align with each other as well as how much each party cares for one another on a scale of 1-10 done using dowsing rods.

Current energy takes a look at the energy at the moment of the reading and future goes out roughly 3-4 months if the energy continues flowing as it currently is.

Energy connections aren’t limited to lovers either–you can do them for friends, loved ones, and even your employer.

Once completed, your reading will be delivered via email as a brief written summary in the following format:

  • Current (or future) energy connection between First Party and Second Party
  • Is there (will there be) love/care between First Party and Second Party?
  • Current (or future) energy scale, First Party -> Second Party
  • Current (or future) energy scale, Second Party -> First Party
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