Live List Tip: Energy Connection/Scales


IF YOU HAVE YES/NO OR WHEN QUESTIONS, PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK. This is to request live energy connection/scales only.

If I’m live streaming, use this page to send a tip for a live energy connection/scale. Please adjust the quantity according to the number of couples for which you’re requesting a live energy connection/scale.

On the checkout page, you’ll be offered a variety of payment options including PayPal, Venmo, Cash app, GPay, Apple Pay, and credit/debit card. Unless you already have an account here, make sure to check the ‘Create an account with Writerly Witch‘ box during checkout in order to access the live replay section.

IMPORTANT: Double-check the names before you submit because you won’t be able to change them during the live.

There is a limit of 1 energy connection/scale per transaction to allow others a chance at making it onto the list. If this item is “Out of stock” no more live energy connection/scales are available. If you still want an energy connection/scale, join the Hard Tea Drinkers, book off-live energy connection/scale, or wait until I re-open the live energy connection list. Important: Off-live services aren’t answered during the live and the (Hard) Tea Drinkers list closes at 9:30PM Eastern.

Out of stock

Email when available


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